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Two Good Causes

I normally don't link to lots of other blogs in my posts, and haven't used this site as a forum for links to the latest news, celebrity gossip, or causes. But there are two "causes" that I'm going to mention today specifically because the more traffic these blogs get, the better the situations will be.

1.) People are talking about a seven-year-old girl named Nadine who has cancer and after having a tumor removed is now entering a round of chemo. A blogging friend of Nadine's, Homestead, has acquired a PO Box where she is hoping a lot of people will send cards (preferably involving Princesses, because that's what Nadine is into) to her and her family. The information is all here. As I said in a recent comment to someone about this, I hope this kid gets a zillion princess cards. Send her one if you can.

2.) Recently, Chag urged his readers to check out a blog called Pygmalion's Wife. His description of the level of concern he'd felt for this blogger compelled me to read her entire site in great detail. I have since added her link over there in the right column, hoping to send more traffic her way -- not because she is a great writer with a compelling story (which she is) -- but because she is a person who needs help, and the only real "help" I, as a stranger, can offer her is some attempt to help her increase her traffic to a level where she can make money off of her site and ultimately escape the very dangerous and abusive situation in which she currently finds herself and her three young children trapped. She has taken great pains (unfortunately that is a literal statement) to keep herself anonymous due to the volatile conditions she is currently enduring, so I don't want to write a lot of specific detail; just go there and read.
