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Sound of Silence

As much as I'd love to say my last post was the pinnacle of dysfunction around the Fringe, I'd be lying. I'm having to hack my way through cobwebs and dust even to post at this point, but I've realized over the past six months that my written silence is punishing my future self, the self that will actually want to remember the sequence of events that led me to where I will be, the experiences that showed me what I stood for was more than just my own self-interest and pride, but something I wanted to give and teach my kids, and maybe simultaneously also myself.

There is very little point for me to try to sum up the day to day chaos and wonder and fun and fear and tears and hysteria and sleep and pain and drinking and weight gain and thanks and learning and change that has taken place in the past several months. It's not over, either, as we all know. Despite what we believe as kids, or what we want to believe in our cocky assumption that we'll handle it all better than those who came before us, adult life never smooths out and rolls before us, an idyllic dewy pasture where the only pitfalls are wet feet and grass stains. The pitfalls around here are more like pesky hidden lava pits, unscheduled beheadings, and R.O.U.S's. Nevertheless, there is a peacefulness in the realization that what lies before us may not be in our control, the people around us may live in dysfunctional and created hells, but we are here anyway. There are other, smaller, admittedly more high maintenance people with missing baby teeth and Tae Kwon Do belts to receive and emotional meltdowns over missing Smarties dosages that, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, need us to stay out of the lava pits a day at a time.