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And last night we had drinks with some retired Floridians.

I'm in Chicago for training right now, which means most of my days are taken up with treks across paisley carpeted floors to hotel conference rooms set up with stiff white cloth-covered folding tables, and a few gasps thrown in to express my sheer disgust and dismay over the cost of two eggs and a cup of oatmeal brought to my room before classes start. John got to join me on this trip, though, and just left the room armed only with his camera, so at least one of us will get to enjoy the vibrant scenery around here.

There is a world boxing championship going on here this week, and an inordinate number of European boxing teams are staying in our hotel; last night before dinner, we were on our way to the elevator when we heard what sounded like some primitive form of laser tag ahead of us. Turns out the entire Latvian boxing team was practicing, and the "lasers" were short bursts of breath with every air-punch into the fancy gilded elevator lobby mirrors. Ah, Chicago. It's great to be back.