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The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

Items of note about this video:

--Bryce's pronunciation of "finger" (listen closely; he says it with a TH sound - we don't correct him anymore, it's just not worth it)
--Bryce's constant repetition of directions that aren't being followed ("it's supposed to go on your THINGER, Quinn!")
--Quinn's innocent and patient attempt to follow his brother's random (yet strict) directions
--Quinn's apparent belief that giraffes communicate via a high-pitched squeal
--Quinn's lack of understanding about the whole idea of a puppet show (i.e., the puppet master should be invisible for the love of all that is holy)
--Bryce's repetition of the phrase, "Argh, me hardies!" (We think he means, "Argh, me buckos!" or "Argh, me mateys!")
--Bryce's final decision that he needs a thinger puppet too, what with his sweaty hand and all

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